Welcome to the front lines of a no-bullshit healing revolution

If you’re fed up with fluffy therapies that barely scratch the surface, you’ve struck fucking gold




From Cult to Cop to CATALYST

My journey didn't just step outside the box—it tore the damn thing to shreds, giving me an unrelenting drive to challenge superficial limitations. My unapologetic approach ensures my clients cut through their self-imposed limits and unleash their highest potential.

Born into the suffocating grip of a religious cult, I learned firsthand what true mind control looks like. In my mid-twenties, I smashed the chains, rejecting the cult and its oppressive dogmas. This rebellion launched me into the police force in Western Australia, where I faced humanity's darkest depths—death, abuse, and trauma that no textbook could prepare you for.

In policing, I sharpened my instincts to read chaos like a roadmap, spotting challenges before they blew up. That strategic edge lets me guide my clients with precision, helping them tear through unresolved issues and clear their own paths.

But policing was only the beginning. My real transformation came from personal chaos—a painful divorce from the man I married in the church, leaving the force, and a miscarriage that shattered me to my core. Moving to Canada, far from my old life, I picked up the pieces and confronted the jagged remnants of my past.

Overcoming my upbringing in a cult and the intense pressures of policing created my unmatched empathy and insight. I know what it takes to rebuild from rock bottom and help clients tap into their fierce drive for profound change.

Healing: Deep, UNCONVENTIONAL, and Damn Necessary

Before embracing the transformative world of healing, my life was all about keeping up a facade. Outwardly, I exuded confidence with a ready smile and looked like I had it all together. Inside, it was chaos. Eye contact became a challenge, each glance feeling like an invitation into my turmoil. Every conversation felt like a battlefield where I needed armour. Despite the tough exterior, I was crumbling, desperate for approval. A lone wolf, stubbornly independent, I struggled to accept help or intimacy.

I plunged headfirst into my inner chaos. Traditional talk therapy didn't resonate with my soul, so I explored modalities such as root cause therapy, NLP, shadow work, embodied processing, and energy healing. These weren't just theories; they were my lifelines. I tackled my hormonal chaos, reclaimed my body, and confronted the emotional debris littering my path.


As an ex-cop, I was trained to spot and dismantle challenges from a mile away, leaving no stone unturned when guiding clients to self-mastery. My policing edge means my coaching is delivered with precision, unwavering self-trust, and radical accountability. I'm a hawk for sensing the unsaid, diving deep beneath pain to uncover the root causes. I hold space with care while maintaining the highest levels of self-authority and self-control, choosing my inner voice over the noise and helping clients chart their paths confidently.

My expertise goes way beyond certificates, birthed from the tough lessons life provided me. Healing isn't one-size-fits-all; it's deeply personal, challenging, and revolutionary. My client wins reflect the radical transformations I've achieved myself, underscoring my dedication to guiding others to similar breakthroughs.


I'm not just your guide; I'm your ally, committed to ensuring your drive for greatness doesn't burn out your nervous system or damage your health and relationships. From my own lessons and challenges, I've discovered the game-changing power of radical self-responsibility. I guide my clients to fully take the reins, making bold, unapologetic decisions that align with their deepest values.




  • Arrived: Stress 8/10, Anxiety 9/10

    Results: Stress 1/10, Anxiety 1/10, Drastically Improved Health

    Key Improvements: Eliminated unexplained pains, jaw clenching, and sleepless nights. Enhanced relationships, self-connection, and ability to exercise.

    Testimonial: "I was sceptical at first, but I was surprised by what surfaced and how easily Hollie guided me through it. She has a unique gift and a genuine passion for helping people uncover and release trapped emotions. I felt happier, less stressed, and calmer. If you feel drawn to this, give it a go."

  • Arrived: Stress 10/10, Anxiety 10/10, Depression 12/10, Energy 2/10, Physical Health 5/10, Emotional Health 0/10

    Results: Stress 3/10, Anxiety 0/10, Depression 0/10, Energy 10/10, Physical Health 10/10, Emotional Health 7/10

    Key Improvements: Achieved inner peace, confidence, and freedom while also losing 7.5 kg without it being a goal.

    Impact: Slept through the night after years of unrest, and her fight-or-flight state dissipated.

  • Arrived: Numbing Behaviours and Impulse Control Issues

    Results: Renewed Self-Control

    Key Improvements: In just one session, eliminated the root cause of self-sabotaging behaviours and regained self-control, particularly with sugar issues

  • Arrived: Fear of Failure

    Results: Business Growth and New Service Launches

    Key Improvements: In just one session, she conquered her embedded fear of failure and has since launched new services confidently.

For the Disruptors, Visionaries, and THOUGHT LEADERS.

You didn’t land here by chance. You’re here because you don’t just push the envelope—you incinerate it. You’ve explored powerful tools like breathwork and meditation and maybe even ventured into plant medicine. Yet you're still seeking that deeper breakthrough—something that goes beyond calming the surface and unravels the core of your unrest.

That’s where I come in. Together, we'll uncover and release the hidden triggers holding you back. My approach? Unconventional, intense, and fiercely effective, blending cutting-edge healing techniques with a raw, unapologetic commitment to tangible results.





FORGET CONVENTIONAL APPROACHES. My methods are fierce, designed for those ready to confront their shadows and channel them into formidable strength. This isn't about mere survival; it's about elevating your entire game without compromising what's most precious—your health, your connections, your true self.

EMBRACE THE CHALLENGE. Step into a realm where challenges don't just meet solutions; they meet their match. With me, you're not just healing—you're stepping into a powerhouse transformation that enables you to command every aspect of your life.

Hollie Wild - Radical Root Cause Healing For Entrepreneurs and Thought Leaders

Beyond the Bio: Who the Hell Is Hollie?

Dive deeper into my world—a place where bullshit doesn’t fly and raw truth reign supreme. Here’s a glimpse beyond the typical “fun facts” spiel into what really lights my fire and grinds my gears.

1. System Shaker:
If you think systems are fine as they are, think again. From a cult to policing, I’ve experienced oppressive control and witnessed how systems strip personal power. I'm tearing down veils of manipulation to expose harsh truths. Systems aim to domesticate; I'm fiercely undomesticated.

2. Rebel With a Cause:
Forget cancel culture. I stand with the bold voices that resist the tide. It’s easy to follow the crowd; it takes courage to stand alone. As dissent gets silenced, I amplify the rebels.

3. Defender of True Srength:
I'm calling out the agenda that weakens men and simplifies women. Real strength lies in embracing and balancing our inherent energies, not conforming to diluted, media-spun narratives.

4. Sceptic by Nature:
From the misguided glorification of casual sex to the overprescription of modern medicine—I’m not one to shy away from tough conversations. We’re trading our well-being for comfort, and it's time to confront the real costs. I challenge the narratives that shape our lives without our consent.

5. Champion of Potential:
I see the raw, untapped potential in people. My bold approach is about unlocking true capabilities, not hand-holding. Witness what’s possible when you break free from societal cages.

Hollie Wild - Radical Root Cause Healing For Entrepreneurs and Thought Leaders

6. Conspiracy Realist:
Call it conspiracy if you will, but questioning everything is part of being a free thinker. From government antics to corporate greed, I stand on the side of skepticism, urging a deeper look beyond mainstream narratives.

7. Straight Talk on Healing:
I’m not here to coddle or to perpetuate trauma by digging up past pains for eternity. My approach cuts through the crap to deliver healing that’s not just deep—it’s revolutionary. You don’t need another therapy session; you need a goddamn awakening.

8. Truth in Health:
The body positivity movement is often a façade for unhealthy lifestyles. I advocate for genuine health and nutrition, challenging the complacency hidden behind trendy hashtags.

9. Financial Maverick:
The financial system is skewed to benefit the elite, leaving most in debt. I promote financial literacy and the smart embrace of alternatives like Bitcoin, fighting against controlled chaos.

10. Community Crusader:
Against the erosion of community and family by self-gratification culture, I advocate for a return to community-centric living where mutual support and responsibility are not just valued but vital.

Connect with Me: If You Dare.
Together, we're not just challenging the status quo—we're rewriting the rules. Join me, and let's advance this revolution side by side.

Hollie Wild - Radical Root Cause Healing For Entrepreneurs and Thought Leaders

Step Into the Arena:

Dive into my services and tune into the podcast where we don't just break barriers—we shatter them. Redefine success on your terms. Let’s disrupt the status quo together.

  • Women of riot; the podcast where we redefine the rules and support ambitious entrepreneurs

    01. PODCAST

    Welcome to "Women of Riot," where we redefine the rules and support change-makers and soul-seekers. This podcast is not for the faint-hearted; it's for forward-thinking individuals who defiantly reject the status quo.

    Join our community where we value growth, freedom, health, and wealth. Our conversations revolve around radical self-trust, self-control, and self-responsibility. We question the status quo, challenge institutions, and authority, and embrace the rebel within us.

    Explore deep healing and expand your capacity for wild success. We're here to help you dominate your industry while staying true to your unique journey.

    Welcome to the revolution.

  • Hollie Wild Trauma Therapist, Coach & Human Design Mentor

    02 Unwavering Woman

    Unwavering Woman isn't just a 1:1 healing service—it's a revolution for visionary female entrepreneurs who aren’t just playing to win but to dominate. It’s for the achievers set to top podcast charts, seal book deals, and obliterate sales goals—all while nurturing your role as a mother or preparing for it, without sacrificing your health or your bonds with your humans.

    Dive deep into the subconscious wounds that no workout, mindset coaching, or health regime can address. Tackle the deep-seated issues head-on with root cause therapy, incorporating timeline therapy, NLP, and muscle sway testing, all supercharged by a fierce dose of energy healing.

    Forget quick fixes; we’re here for monumental breakthroughs that eradicate the root causes of anxiety, unrest, and numbing behaviours.

    This isn’t just healing; it’s a goddamn uprising for the woman who commands her life with as much focus as she does her business. Welcome to a new paradigm where your well-being and your family's harmony are as crucial as your professional success.

  • 03. Formidable Man

    FOR THE FORMIDABLE MAN — PURSUING LEGENDARY SUCCESS: From dominating your workouts to excelling in your business and commanding every room, achieve it all without wrecking your health or your connections.

    You’re not just any high achiever or leader-you’re a titan pursuing the limits in the gym and every area of your life.


    Fed up with deep-seated anxiety, overwhelming stress, cryptic pain, and sleepless nights? With me, we don’t just manage these challenges—we make them bow to you. Dive deep with pioneering therapies that tackle the emotional scars no gym session or mindset shift can touch.


    Root cause therapy, timeline therapy, NLP, and muscle sway testing aren't just part of the process—they're your new arsenal for dominance


This isn't about temporary fixes—it's about radical elevation. You're not just going through the motions; you're signing up for a significant overhaul.

You already wield immense power—let's elevate it.


Straight Talk: Your Questions, My No-Bullshit Answers

  • It’s the unique mix of pinpoint precision, deep empathy, and a nurturing yet bold-as-hell style. Rooted in my wild ride from a cult to the front lines of policing, I bring a unique combo of street-smart strategy and deep emotional insight.

    With a hawk's eye for the unsaid and a knack for nailing undercurrents, my approach dives deep to expose and resolve the real issues at your core. We don’t just tackle symptoms; we dig deep to the root causes, creating a space where you're pushed and supported, ensuring transformations that are deep and lasting.

    Bold, direct, revolutionary, and packed with empathy—my coaching is for those ready to blast through the status quo and unlock their ultimate potential.

  • Absolutely. This is precision soul work, streamlined to fit efficiently into your busy lifestyle. Our sessions are intense and direct, handling all the deep work within our scheduled time together — no homework, no extra tasks. You're building an empire; your commitment during our sessions ensures you remain fully engaged with your pursuits at all other times.

  • Bring on the scepticism. It shows you're thinking critically, which is exactly what we need for transformation. I'm not here to sell you miracles—I provide powerful, evidence-based strategies that get straight to the point and drive genuine change.

  • Expect impact, not miracles. You're stepping into a revolution, not picking up a quick fix. Many clients notice a transformative shift from the very first session, although the depth of change varies. Success depends on your willingness to dive deep and confront what emerges—this is a partnership. While I guide you to the root causes, you must be ready to face them head-on. Rest assured, the results are profound and worth every moment of your commitment. We're not just tweaking symptoms; we're transforming lives and crafting legacies.

  • Bring your guts and your vulnerability. My programs demand your all—full engagement, deep involvement, and the bravery to break out of every comfort zone. You’ll confront some tough emotions, but I provide a nurturing touch and a safe space to support you. Known for my direct approach and deep empathy, I'll guide you confidently through anything that comes up, ensuring profound and lasting transformations.