Welcome to "Women of Riot," where we redefine the rules and support ambitious entrepreneurs.

This podcast is not for the faint-hearted; it's for forward-thinking individuals who defiantly reject the status quo

Join our community where we value growth, freedom, health, and wealth. Our conversations revolve around radical self-trust, self-control, and self-responsibility. We question the status quo, challenge institutions, and authority, and embrace the rebel within us. 

Explore deep healing and expand your capacity for wild success. We're here to help you dominate your industry while staying true to your unique journey.

"Women of Riot" – rewriting the rules for those who dare to defy, heal, grow, and dominate.

Welcome to the revolution.


NO. 42

Revamp your self-identity...the key piece missing when you don't get life-altering results

NO. 03

women are we dying on the wrong f*n battlefield?

NO. 63

The big question: do I stay or do i go?

Ep. 75 | Redefining Wellness Beyond Mainstream Myths: This Will Blow Your Goddamn Mind

Welcome to Women of Riot, where we slash through society's soft narratives and confront the raw, unfiltered truths about self-healing. Today, we're tearing down the comforting but harmful misconceptions about living with anxiety. Are you fed up with the mainstream mantra that tells you to just cope? Well, you're in the right place.

In this episode, I'm getting real about how true healing doesn’t just mask symptoms—it eradicates them. We're going beyond the surface-level bandaids to root-cause therapy, wielding radical self-responsibility as our weapon. Forget about creating a safe space that caters to everyone; this is about forging a sanctuary for the strong, for those who refuse to let their past define their future.

Join me as I challenge the 'normalcy' of living with anxiety, and reveal how shifting your perception can transform pain into power. This isn't just another self-help spiel. It’s a revolution in personal healing—unscripted, unapologetic, and utterly transformative.

Are you ready to challenge the status quo? Tune in and turn your struggles into strengths. Let’s get radical.

Challenge the comfort zones of conventional health narratives and embrace a revolution in personal healing.


Show Notes

Welcome to Women of Riot, where we slash through society's soft narratives and confront the raw, unfiltered truths about self-healing. Today, we're tearing down the comforting but harmful misconceptions about living with anxiety. Are you fed up with the mainstream mantra that tells you to just cope? Well, you're in the right place.

In this episode, I'm getting real about how true healing doesn’t just mask symptoms—it eradicates them. We're going beyond the surface-level bandaids to root cause therapy, wielding radical self-responsibility as our weapon. Forget about creating a safe space that caters to everyone; this is about forging a sanctuary for the strong, for those who refuse to let their past define their future.

Join me as I challenge the 'normalcy' of living with anxiety, and reveal how shifting your perception can transform pain into power. This isn't just another self-help spiel. It’s a revolution in personal healing—unscripted, unapologetic, and utterly transformative.

Are you ready to challenge the status quo? Tune in and turn your struggles into strengths. Let’s get radical.

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Ep. 74 | Embracing Raw Conversations & The Courage to Speak Out

Hey legends, this week, we're hitting the refresh button and diving into why I'm feeling a massive pull to speak up on some pretty heavy topics that go against the mainstream grain. We're talking about navigating a world heavy on silencing and censorship, my personal journey towards speaking my truth louder, and why it's absolutely time for a brand and podcast overhaul.

If you've ever felt the itch to voice your own truths, despite the backlash, this one's for you. Changes are coming, and I'm here for it—hope you are too.

Let's get into it and embrace the raw, unfiltered conversations that truly matter. Thanks for sticking around, I love your


Show Notes

Hey legends, this week, we're hitting the refresh button and diving into why I'm feeling a massive pull to speak up on some pretty heavy topics that go against the mainstream grain. We're talking about navigating a world heavy on silencing and censorship, my personal journey towards speaking my truth louder, and why it's absolutely time for a brand and podcast overhaul.

If you've ever felt the itch to voice your own truths, despite the backlash, this one's for you. Changes are coming, and I'm here for it—hope you are too.

Let's get into it and embrace the raw, unfiltered conversations that truly matter. Thanks for sticking around, I love your guts.

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Ep. 73 | Self-Sabotage or Rebellion? Unraveling the Tug-of-War Inside Us

Hey legends, ever catch yourself in a loop of doing stuff you know isn’t doing you any favours? Like, knowing you should get to bed earlier to crush it the next day, but there you are, scrolling through your phone at midnight, or diving into a chocolate binge with no breaks. Sounds familiar, right?

Well, today we're diving headfirst into the underworld of self-sabotage, but with a twist. We're peeling back the layers to reveal the conscious choices we make to get in our own way and the unconscious forces, like past traumas and emotional wounds, that push us into these patterns without us even realising it.

Imagine, for a moment, that all this time you thought you were just rebelling against your own good intentions, but deep down, it’s something more. Like, there’s this old wound from way back when that’s been calling the shots. I had this eye-opening session with a client that really hit home. We uncovered that her "self-sabotage" was less about not sticking to her bedtime and more about an old, unhealed story playing on repeat. And guess what? When we shine a light on these hidden parts of ourselves, that's when the real change kicks in.

It’s not about beating ourselves up for slipping up or going off track. It’s about understanding the why behind it all and realising we have the power to change the narrative, to rewrite the script in a way that aligns with who we truly are and what we really want. So, if you’re tired of being stuck in the same old cycle, wondering why you keep sabotaging your success, happiness, or health, then this episode is your wake-up call. It's time to dive deep, unearth those hidden stories, and start living on your own terms.

Ready to break free from the cycle of self-sabotage and step into your power? Let's get into it.

We are diving into why we get in our own way and how to flip the script


Show Notes

Ever find yourself doing stuff you know isn’t great for you? Like staying up late glued to your phone, or going on a chocolate spree with no end in sight? We’ve all been there. Today, we're taking a closer look at self-sabotage, but with a twist. We're not just talking about those moments when we knowingly trip ourselves up. We're diving into the deeper, often unseen reasons behind these patterns, like old wounds and unresolved issues from our past that sneakily influence our actions.

Imagine discovering that what you thought was just you getting in your own way was actually an echo of something deeper, like an old hurt dictating your choices. In a recent session with a client, we uncovered just that. Her struggle with "self-sabotage" was really about an old story that hadn't been healed. The game-changer? Bringing these hidden aspects of ourselves into the light.

This is about understanding the why behind our self-sabotage and realising that we have the power to change our story, to align it with who we really are and what we truly want. Tired of the same old cycle of undermining your success, joy, or health? This episode is your wake-up call. It's time to uncover those hidden stories and start living life on your own terms. Ready to kick self-sabotage to the curb and step into your power? Let's get started.

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Trauma, Self-Responsibility, Self Healing Hollie Wild Trauma, Self-Responsibility, Self Healing Hollie Wild

Ep. 72 |Anxiety Decoded: What's Really Going On?

Dive into this week's "Women of Riot" episode where we crack open the discussion on anxiety - not as your enemy, but as a messenger.

Ever thought about what's really brewing beneath your anxiety? It's not just about feeling anxious; it's about understanding that anxiety is often just the tip of the iceberg, a sign pointing to deeper emotions and experiences craving attention and healing.

Join us as we explore why anxiety isn't the problem but a symptom, and how digging deeper can lead us to resolve the underlying issues. Whether you've felt the grip of anxiety yourself or know someone who has, this episode invites you to look beneath the surface, challenging the status quo of how we perceive and address our anxieties. Let's get real about moving from just managing anxiety to truly understanding and healing its roots.

Tune in for a candid conversation on unravelling the layers of anxiety to discover the powerful truths waiting beneath.

Peeling back the layers to uncover the real deal behind our anxiety. Join us for a deep dive into understanding and healing


Show Notes

Dive into this week's "Women of Riot" episode where we crack open the discussion on anxiety - not as your enemy, but as a messenger.

Ever thought about what's really brewing beneath your anxiety? It's not just about feeling anxious; it's about understanding that anxiety is often just the tip of the iceberg, a sign pointing to deeper emotions and experiences craving attention and healing.

Join us as we explore why anxiety isn't the problem but a symptom, and how digging deeper can lead us to resolve the underlying issues. Whether you've felt the grip of anxiety yourself or know someone who has, this episode invites you to look beneath the surface, challenging the status quo of how we perceive and address our anxieties.

Let's get real about moving from just managing anxiety to truly understanding and healing its roots. Tune in for a candid conversation on unravelling the layers of anxiety to discover the powerful truths waiting beneath.

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Ep. 71 | From Pain to Power: Choosing Not to Suffer

Dive into a powerful episode of "Women of Riot," where we tackle the crucial difference between experiencing pain and choosing to suffer. Discover why pain is a part of life but suffering is optional, and learn how to move beyond a victim mindset towards empowerment and healing.

Whether you're looking to break free from past hurts or eager to embrace a life of radical self-responsibility, this discussion offers valuable insights for anyone ready to transform their approach to life's challenges. Join us for a journey towards personal liberation and strength.

Welcome back to another empowering week with Women of Riot.

Discover how to transform inevitable pain into a source of strength and empowerment


Show Notes

Dive into a powerful episode of "Women of Riot," where we tackle the crucial difference between experiencing pain and choosing to suffer. Discover why pain is a part of life but suffering is optional, and learn how to move beyond a victim mindset towards empowerment and healing.

Whether you're looking to break free from past hurts or eager to embrace a life of radical self-responsibility, this discussion offers valuable insights for anyone ready to transform their approach to life's challenges.

Join us for a journey towards personal liberation and strength. Welcome back to another empowering week with Women of Riot.

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Ep. 69 | Discovering Your Purpose: Beyond the Status Quo

In this thought-provoking episode of "Women of Riot" we dive deep into a question that echoes through the corridors of our souls: "What is my purpose in this lifetime?"

Breaking away from the chains of societal expectations and the status quo, this episode is not just a conversation; it's a revelation.

Through personal anecdotes and a transformative client session, we explore the power of questioning everything we've been told about our purpose and the significance of aligning with our true essence.

Discover how muscle sway testing and timeline therapy can uncover the root causes of our deepest inquiries, revealing that sometimes, our body knows something that our mind hasn't caught up to yet. Whether you're a driven entrepreneur feeling the pressure of unresolved wounds or someone seeking to understand your place in this world, this episode offers a fresh perspective on finding your purpose.

We'll discuss how to navigate the journey of deep healing, increase your capacity to hold more in life, and ultimately, how to stand in your personal power as a strong and resilient human being.

Join us as we challenge institutions, embrace radical self-trust, and take full ownership of our lives. Your revolution starts now. Welcome to the movement of questioning, healing, growing, and dominating.

Welcome to "Women of Riot


Show Notes

In this thought-provoking episode of "Women of Riot" we dive deep into a question that echoes through the corridors of our souls: "What is my purpose in this lifetime?"

Breaking away from the chains of societal expectations and the status quo, this episode is not just a conversation; it's a revelation.

Through personal anecdotes and a transformative client session, we explore the power of questioning everything we've been told about our purpose and the significance of aligning with our true essence.

Discover how muscle sway testing and timeline therapy can uncover the root causes of our deepest inquiries, revealing that sometimes, our body knows something that our mind hasn't caught up to yet. Whether you're a driven entrepreneur feeling the pressure of unresolved wounds or someone seeking to understand your place in this world, this episode offers a fresh perspective on finding your purpose.

We'll discuss how to navigate the journey of deep healing, increase your capacity to hold more in life, and ultimately, how to stand in your personal power as a strong and resilient human being.

Join us as we challenge institutions, embrace radical self-trust, and take full ownership of our lives. Your revolution starts now. Welcome to the movement of questioning, healing, growing, and dominating.

Welcome to "Women of Riot

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Ep. 68 | Why It's Time to Question the Spiritual Mainstream

In this eye-opening episode, we're diving deep into the heart of spirituality – beyond the glossy exteriors and sugar-coated teachings. It's time to talk about the elephant in the room: spiritual bypassing and the often unchallenged mantra of staying positive at all costs. But what happens when this approach starts to feel more like suppression than enlightenment?

Tune in as we peel back the layers of mainstream spirituality to explore why it's crucial to honour our full range of emotions. Discover the power of questioning the narratives we've been sold and why embracing our so-called 'negative' emotions could be the key to genuine spiritual growth.

I’m not here to bash on beliefs or disregard the value of positivity. Instead, I’m advocating for a more nuanced, inclusive approach to spirituality—one that acknowledges the complexity of the human experience. If you've ever felt out of place in the spiritual status quo or wondered if there's more to the journey than just "good vibes only," this episode is for you.

Tune in to uncover:

  • The truth about spiritual bypassing and why it's more harmful than you think.

  • How acknowledging and working through our darker emotions can lead to profound personal growth.

Forget the one-size-fits-all approach. It's time for a spirituality that's as complex and varied as we are. Get ready to question, challenge, and grow in ways you never thought possible.

Let's Get Real About 'Negative' Emotions and Why Ignoring Them Isn't the Enlightened Path


Show Notes

In this eye-opening episode, we're diving deep into the heart of spirituality – beyond the glossy exteriors and sugar-coated teachings. It's time to talk about the elephant in the room: spiritual bypassing and the often unchallenged mantra of staying positive at all costs. But what happens when this approach starts to feel more like suppression than enlightenment?

Tune in as we peel back the layers of mainstream spirituality to explore why it's crucial to honour our full range of emotions. Discover the power of questioning the narratives we've been sold and why embracing our so-called 'negative' emotions could be the key to genuine spiritual growth.

I’m not here to bash on beliefs or disregard the value of positivity. Instead, I’m advocating for a more nuanced, inclusive approach to spirituality—one that acknowledges the complexity of the human experience. If you've ever felt out of place in the spiritual status quo or wondered if there's more to the journey than just "good vibes only," this episode is for you.

Tune in to uncover:

  • The truth about spiritual bypassing and why it's more harmful than you think.

  • How acknowledging and working through our darker emotions can lead to profound personal growth.

Forget the one-size-fits-all approach. It's time for a spirituality that's as complex and varied as we are. Get ready to question, challenge, and grow in ways you never thought possible.

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Ep. 67 | Healing Collective and Intergenerational Trauma

In this week's episode of 'Women of Riot,' we delve deep into the powerful yet often overlooked realm of intergenerational and collective trauma. We'll explore how these shared experiences can shape our lives and affect future generations, and more importantly, we'll uncover strategies to reduce their impact and embark on a journey of healing and resilience.

Join me as we challenge the patterns of the past, discover the profound ways trauma can be passed down, and learn how to break free from its grip. Together, we'll redefine the rules and empower ourselves to heal, grow, and thrive beyond the weight of collective trauma.

If you're ready to rewrite your narrative and build a legacy of strength and resilience, this episode is for you.

Redefining the Rules for Resilience


Show Notes

In this week's episode of 'Women of Riot,' we dive deep into the powerful yet often overlooked realm of intergenerational and collective trauma. We'll explore how these shared experiences can shape our lives and affect future generations, and more importantly, we'll uncover strategies to reduce their impact and embark on a journey of healing and resilience.

Join me as we challenge the patterns of the past, discover the profound ways trauma can be passed down, and learn how to break free from its grip. Together, we'll redefine the rules and empower ourselves to heal, grow, and thrive beyond the weight of collective trauma.

If you're ready to rewrite your narrative and build a legacy of strength and resilience, this episode is for you.

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Ep. 66 | Navigating the Healing Hangover: What Happens After Your Trauma Therapy Session

In this week's episode of 'Women of Riot,' we're getting real about the 'Healing Hangover. You know the feeling – it's similar to a hangover after a night out but without a drop of alcohol involved. Instead, it's the aftermath of a trauma-root-cause therapy session, where emotions run high, and you might feel worse before you feel better.

We'll dive deep into the physical and emotional aspects of healing, including why you might feel heavy, sore, or just plain drained after a session. Your biology and nervous system are going through a major overhaul, and I'll walk you through what to expect during this intense emotional detox.

Plus, stay tuned for some practical tips on post-session self-care and recovery. If you're ready to embrace your healing journey, this episode is for you.

In This Week's Episode of 'Women of Riot,' We're Getting Real About the 'Healing Hangover’


Show Notes

In this week's episode of 'Women of Riot,' we're getting real about the 'Healing Hangover. You know the feeling – it's similar to a hangover after a night out but without a drop of alcohol involved. Instead, it's the aftermath of a trauma-root-cause therapy session, where emotions run high, and you might feel worse before you feel better.

We'll dive deep into the physical and emotional aspects of healing, including why you might feel heavy, sore, or just plain drained after a session. Your biology and nervous system are going through a major overhaul, and I'll walk you through what to expect during this intense emotional detox.

Plus, stay tuned for some practical tips on post-session self-care and recovery. If you're ready to embrace your healing journey, this episode is for you.

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Ep. 65 | How Your Body's the Ultimate Thermostat for your boldest dreams

Have you ever found yourself pushing away the very things you've always wanted, or sabotaging your success without a clear reason? In this episode, I've got you covered.

Join me as I unravel the mystery behind our body's energetic thermostat within the nervous system. It's all about what we feel comfortable receiving and retaining.

By addressing things on a body-based level, you not only gain insight into your self-sabotaging tendencies but also expand your capacity to hold more in life, including your most audacious dreams.

I froth this convo so much, enjoy.


Show Notes

Have you ever found yourself pushing away the very things you've always wanted, or sabotaging your success without a clear reason? In this episode, I've got you covered.

Join me as I unravel the mystery behind our body's energetic thermostat within the nervous system. It's all about what we feel comfortable receiving and retaining.

By addressing things on a body-based level, you not only gain insight into your self-sabotaging tendencies but also expand your capacity to hold more in life, including your most audacious dreams.

I froth this convo so much, enjoy.

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Ep. 64 | This One Habit Outperforms Talent and Enthusiasm in the Long Run

Hey legend,

Often people can start comparing their own business and entrepreneurial journey to others in their industry who have natural-born talent and they feel inadequate compared to them.

Maybe they're in the coaching industry and they see other coaches who are incredible at public speaking and magnetising a crowd, it just seems effortless and fun to them.

But there's one key component that you can cultivate in every area of your life that in the long run can outperform natural talent and enthusiasm.

You don't have to be the most gifted to exceed, by simply not stopping you eventually separate yourself from the pack, and then with time your enthusiasm increases and you develop skills and talents that you didn't start with due to the sheer amount of effort you consistently put in.

So let this be your reminder to don't stop on your dreams and goals, the ones on your heart ❥


Show Notes

Hey legend,

Often people can start comparing their own business and entrepreneurial journey to others in their industry who have natural-born talent and they feel inadequate compared to them.

Maybe they're in the coaching industry and they see other coaches who are incredible at public speaking and magnetising a crowd, it just seems effortless and fun to them.

But there's one key component that you can cultivate in every area of your life that in the long run can outperform natural talent and enthusiasm.

You don't have to be the most gifted to exceed, by simply not stopping you eventually separate yourself from the pack, and then with time your enthusiasm increases and you develop skills and talents that you didn't start with due to the sheer amount of effort you consistently put in.

So let this be your reminder to don't stop on your dreams and goals, the ones on your heart ❥

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Ep. 63 | The Big Question: Do I Stay or do I go?

After last week's episode where I gave you a life update and explained that my relationship of nearly a decade had come to a completion, I wanted to also provide you with the deep and thought-provoking questions that helped me along the way.

These questions are not designed to make you leave your intimate relationship, they're simply there to help you gain clarity on what is right for you, be that staying or going.

Wherever you're at, I'm sending you all the love in the world.

Hollie ❥

For When You’re at a Crossroads in Your Relationship


Show Notes

After last week's episode where I gave you a life update and explained that my relationship of nearly a decade had come to a completion, I wanted to also provide you with the deep and thought-provoking questions that helped me along the way.

These questions are not designed to make you leave your intimate relationship, they're simply there to help you gain clarity on what is right for you, be that staying or going.

Wherever you're at, I'm sending you all the love in the world.

Hollie ❥

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Ep. 62 | I'm Single, Marking The End of a Nearly Decade-Long Chapter In My Life

I'm in a major transition in my private life after my marriage and relationship of nearly a decade has come to an end, I felt it was time to update you as a loyal listener of my podcast.

There are moments of feeling peace and happiness, and then there are moments of really intense grief. I'm allowing myself the space to feel it all, and it's oddly beautiful. Sometimes I uncontrollably cry, even out in public without warning, and other times I feel pure elation and excitement. it's all part of this human experience that I signed up for and I'm not numbing, I stay right there with myself and my deepest emotions.

I want to send my love to you if you are also navigating any big changes in your life or experiencing grief and loss in any way.

My heart goes out to you.

Hollie xx

Time For a Life Update


Show Notes

I'm in a major transition in my private life after my marriage and relationship of nearly a decade has come to an end, I felt it was time to update you as a loyal listener of my podcast.

There are moments of feeling peace and happiness, and then there are moments of really intense grief. I'm allowing myself the space to feel it all, and it's oddly beautiful. Sometimes I uncontrollably cry, even out in public without warning, and other times I feel pure elation and excitement. it's all part of this human experience that I signed up for and I'm not numbing, I stay right there with myself and my deepest emotions.

I want to send my love to you if you are also navigating any big changes in your life or experiencing grief and loss in any way.

My heart goes out to you.
Hollie xx

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Ep. 61 | 🔥 Where I'm at With My Business in 2024

Welcome beauty to 2024, a brand new year for us all. In today's episode, I break down where I'm at with my business as well as what led me in the direction that I'm headed.

I also explain how safety in our bodies is integral to being able to dominate our industries, it's everything. Being able to increase the capacity in our bodies to hold more without numbing, fleeing, or freezing is where the work is at if you want to be able to hold all your dreams, wealth goals, clients, and so on.

So Much Has Changed in a Year


Show Notes

Welcome beauty to 2024, a brand new year for us all. In today's episode, I break down where I'm at with my business as well as what led me in the direction that I'm headed.

I also explain how safety in our bodies is integral to being able to dominate our industries, it's everything. Being able to increase the capacity in our bodies to hold more without numbing, fleeing, or freezing is where the work is at if you want to be able to hold all your dreams, wealth goals, clients, and so on.

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Ep. 60 | 🔥 This is One of The Key Traits to Cultivate Personally and to Seek in a Potential Partner

Self-control is one of the highest qualities in my opinion to look for in a potential partner and to harness in ourselves.

Every time you choose self-control in a moment that you previously wouldn't have, you build self-respect. Then with each new layer of self-respect, your self-esteem gets a radical boost.

Self-control is the ability to control yourself, in particular your emotions and desires, especially in difficult situations.

Tune in as I go over how to cultivate self-control and why it's so goddamn important.


Show Notes

Self-control is one of the highest qualities in my opinion to look for in a potential partner and to harness in ourselves.
Every time you choose self-control in a moment that you previously wouldn't have, you build self-respect. Then with each new layer of self-respect, your self-esteem gets a radical boost.

Self-control is the ability to control yourself, in particular your emotions and desires, especially in difficult situations.

Tune in as I go over how to cultivate self-control and why it's so goddamn important.

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Ep. 59 | ⛓️ The Missing Link: Uncovering The Subconscious Fear Of Getting Close To People

Vulnerability is like having the power to be emotionally or physically hurt. When you open up to others, there's always a bit of risk and uncertainty involved. That's what makes it a huge strength—it takes real courage to show vulnerability in today's world.

Join me as I break it down:

😱 Discover the three main ways avoiding vulnerability can impact your life.

😱 Learn why steering clear of vulnerability isn't self-sabotage but rather a protective mechanism.

😱 Dive into the neurological pathways formed in our brains, possibly during childhood, as a defense against the pain of trauma and unresolved wounds.

😱 Uncover how these patterns might be showing up today in freeze or flight responses, as well as avoidant or anxious attachment styles in our relationships.

😱 Explore how people-pleasing and "fawning" likely originated as protective measures.

And there's so much more to explore...

This is empowering stuff because awareness is the first step toward healing. I've got so many exciting things in the pipeline that can aid you on your healing journey if anything in today's episode resonates with you. Stay tuned for what's coming!

All my love,

Hollie xx


Show Notes

Vulnerability is like having the power to be emotionally or physically hurt. When you open up to others, there's always a bit of risk and uncertainty involved. That's what makes it a huge strength—it takes real courage to show vulnerability in today's world.

Join me as I break it down:
😱 Discover the three main ways avoiding vulnerability can impact your life.
😱 Learn why steering clear of vulnerability isn't self-sabotage but rather a protective mechanism.
😱 Dive into the neurological pathways formed in our brains, possibly during childhood, as a defense against the pain of trauma and unresolved wounds.
😱 Uncover how these patterns might be showing up today in freeze or flight responses, as well as avoidant or anxious attachment styles in our relationships.
😱 Explore how people-pleasing and "fawning" likely originated as protective measures.

And there's so much more to explore...

This is empowering stuff because awareness is the first step toward healing. I've got so many exciting things in the pipeline that can aid you on your healing journey if anything in today's episode resonates with you. Stay tuned for what's coming!

All my love,
Hollie xx

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Ep. 58 | 🙅‍♀️ Over the noise of 'you're screwed" without their product or service? Yeah me too...

I have noticed a clear distinction between those that I actually would WANT to buy from and those that make me feel like I *need* their service to be whole as if I'm broken without them...

In the first example, I would willingly give my money to them as they speak to the highest version of me, and in the second example, I'm finding I now want to drown out their noise as their marketing gives me the ick.

This episode is important if you too have been feeling like you need to buy every service to become whole.

Reminder, you don't require saving, you aren't broken and you don't need fixing, even on your hardest and messiest of days.


Show Notes

I have noticed a clear distinction between those that I actually would WANT to buy from and those that make me feel like I *need* their service to be whole as if I'm broken without them...

In the first example, I would willingly give my money to them as they speak to the highest version of me, and in the second example, I'm finding I now want to drown out their noise as their marketing gives me the ick.

This episode is important if you too have been feeling like you need to buy every service to become whole.

Reminder, you don't require saving, you aren't broken and you don't need fixing, even on your hardest and messiest of days.

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Ep. 57 | 😱 Self-Identity Work And The Duality Of Not Everything Being a Trauma, Yet Some Things Really F*cken Are

I have a very dualistic way of viewing our self-identity and healing. Absolutely some things in life just need a quick mindset-reframe. Some things are just us not feeling so great that day. Not everything is from childhood trauma...Yet, some things really f*cken are and there is a massive difference.

This is where mindset work can only get you so far if there is unprocessed trauma still stored in your body.

This is where we can have a few core beliefs that are strongly embedded into our self-identity and are still trying to protect us to this day.

They are like self-fulfilling prophecies as they further reinforce our unhelpful beliefs about ourselves and the world.

Tune in as I explain both sides of this topic and how I think both are helpful for very different reasons. As well as how trauma healing doesn't require the next 10-20 years in traditional talk therapy.

Not everything is a trauma, yet some things really f*cken are.


Show Notes

I have a very dualistic way of viewing our self-identity and healing. 

Absolutely some things in life just need a quick mindset-reframe. Some things are just us not feeling so great that day. Not everything is from childhood trauma...

Yet, some things really f*cken are and there is a massive difference. This is where mindset work can only get you so far if there is unprocessed trauma still stored in your body.

This is where we can have a few core beliefs that are strongly embedded into our self-identity and are still trying to protect us to this day.

They are like self-fulfilling prophecies as they further reinforce our unhelpful beliefs about ourselves and the world.

Tune in as I explain both sides of this topic and how I think both are helpful for very different reasons. As well as how trauma healing doesn't require the next 10-20 years in traditional talk therapy.

Not everything is a trauma, yet some things really f*cken are.

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Ep. 56 | 🔥 Exploring Masculine and Feminine Energies

This one is JUICY 🔥

Today I'm going over my take on masculine and feminine energy, what it all means, and why I don't demonise either, no matter your gender.

Tune in as I explain;

1. What is masculine energy

2. What is feminine energy

3. Signs of being in your wounded feminine energy

4. How I structure my business in a very masculine energy and why

5. How healing from trauma requires me to set up the container in a masculine way (still bringing in my feminine essence)

6. The traits of a strong masculine man that I find HIGHLY SEXY, that would have triggered the F*k out of me in the past (when I was in my wounded feminine)

7. Traits that a strong masculine energy is drawn to in the feminine (can be man or woman FYI)

8. How this all links back to trauma healingThis is one of my favourite episodes to ever record. 

I'm also slightly aroused after talking about strong masculine energy! hehe.

Enjoy xx

Their Impact on Relationships, Business, and Healing Past Wounds


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This one is JUICY 🔥

Today I'm going over my take on masculine and feminine energy, what it all means, and why I don't demonise either, no matter your gender.

Tune in as I explain;

1. What is masculine energy
2. What is feminine energy
3. Signs of being in your wounded feminine energy
4. How I structure my business in a very masculine energy and why
5. How healing from trauma requires me to set up the container in a masculine way (still bringing in my feminine essence)
6. The traits of a strong masculine man that I find HIGHLY SEXY, that would have triggered the F*k out of me in the past (when I was in my wounded feminine)
7. Traits that a strong masculine energy is drawn to in the feminine (can be man or woman FYI)
8. How this all links back to trauma healing

This is one of my favourite episodes to ever record.  I'm also slightly aroused after talking about strong masculine energy! hehe.


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Ep. 55 | Breaking the Silence: Recognising Our Hidden Trauma

Is the thought of all of us having trauma stored in our bodies absurd to you like it used to be for me? That was until I came to understand that trauma simply means a wound, an unresolved wound that we are carrying within that is seeking resolution.

I was sitting and thinking about my incredible clients the other day, and the common thread amongst them is how incredibly ambitious and driven they are (you are). They are such unstoppable, courageous women who inspire me all the time...yet they sometimes feel really numb and like they don't know how to stop and slow down. They have some wounds within that keep calling out to them. They sometimes don't know how to feel or don't feel safe to be vulnerable and to receive.

The same powerhouse women who are constantly kicking goals are also crying out for a safe space to heal, to feel nourished, fed, and whole. They don’t require “saving” or “fixing” and they're far from broken, even on the days when they feel like a complete mess. They're not looking for a saviour, they're that for themselves. They also aren’t lacking or needing a “healer”, they're more than aware that their body can do that in the right circumstances.

As I was sitting and thinking, I started writing and narrowed it down to 2 types of women and you will likely resonate with 1 or both to some degree.

Tune in as I go through the stories from both of these women and how we all have unresolved wounds that are still directing parts of our lives even after all this time. the thing is,  we CAN heal and it doesn't require years of therapy.


Show Notes

Is the thought of all of us having trauma stored in our bodies absurd to you like it used to be for me? That was until I came to understand that trauma simply means a wound, an unresolved wound that we are carrying within that is seeking resolution.

I was sitting and thinking about my incredible clients the other day, and the common thread amongst them is how incredibly ambitious and driven they are (you are). They are such unstoppable, courageous women who inspire me all the time...yet they sometimes feel really numb and like they don't know how to stop and slow down. They have some wounds within that keep calling out to them. They sometimes don't know how to feel or don't feel safe to be vulnerable and to receive.

The same powerhouse women who are constantly kicking goals are also crying out for a safe space to heal, to feel nourished, fed, and whole. They don’t require “saving” or “fixing” and they're far from broken, even on the days when they feel like a complete mess. They're not looking for a saviour, they're that for themselves. They also aren’t lacking or needing a “healer”, they're more than aware that their body can do that in the right circumstances.

As I was sitting and thinking, I started writing and narrowed it down to 2 types of women and you will likely resonate with 1 or both to some degree.

Tune in as I go through the stories from both of these women and how we all have unresolved wounds that are still directing parts of our lives even after all this time. the thing is,  we CAN heal and it doesn't require years of therapy.

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